November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 5.

Today my focus of gratitude is on living in a free, wonderful & beautiful country. A place were I can make the decision to get an education, worship as I choose, vote, have a job, have kids, own a home or travel. Again, something I don't necessarily think about every day because it's something I've known my whole life, never had to fight for & generally take completely for granted. I've never had to be afraid walking to school that I wouldn't make it home safely or that anyone would try to take my life because I have the religious beliefs I do. I know that my son will grow up with the freedom to become an astronaut, go on a mission or learn to save lives as a neurosurgeon. Our only limitations are those we set for ourselves, & I hope I can instill that in Mr P & never be the one that stifles any dream he may have. I am grateful to everyone who made it all possible & also those who keep it possible. Liberty & justice for ALL.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Jaime, I guess you haven't heard that our country is heading for communism now that Obama has been elected. Too bad for Porter's dreams.

Just kidding! I can't wait to see where this life takes little Porter. I know living in this country is a blessing I can't even understand because I've never known different, but I am grateful for it every day.