November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 2.

Without a doubt, an immense amount of gratitude I feel is for the opportunity to experience & enjoy motherhood. Though not without it's challenges, motherhood is the most amazing thing I could ever have hoped to imagine in this life. My journey to motherhood began not when I found out I was pregnant with Mr P, but when I found out I was expecting little miss Gracie. I knew it was not my time then to embark on the journey of motherhood, but it was then that I learned for myself that becoming a mother would be my greatest aspiration, whenever it was that my time would come. It wasn't sitting on the front burner for the next 5 years, but it was definitely always lurking near the surface. And when the time was right Ty & I both knew it & lucky for us, Mr P came into the world a relatively short time later.

Inevitably, every time I think back to the day when Mr P joined us, I get choked up with love & gratitude. There are so many amazing facets to the entire prospect of motherhood. The way your baby comes into the world & to you, the way you know your baby's cry above all others, the instinct that kicks in which enables you to care for that tiny, helpless, completely dependent person. Your love for the smell of your baby's hair, & the ability to lose your sense of smell when it comes to poopy diapers & spit up. The fierce devotion you feel & the desire you have for nothing bad to ever, EVER happen to them. It's truly a force of nature.

I could go on for pages, but I'll sum it up with the fact that I am not only grateful for my experience of motherhood, but I'm also incredibly grateful for the experiences that led me to it. It's just bizarre how some trials in our life can encompass our greatest pain, our greatest faith, our greatest joy & our greatest learning. The starting point of my journey to motherhood, though definitely not conventional, was definitely something that I will forever be grateful for, because it really gave me a sense that motherhood is truly one of our most incredible blessings, never to be taken for granted. It comes easily (often much too easily) to many, but there are also many who would give anything for a shot at it, so I vow to never forget my great fortune.

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