November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 1.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! As I finish up my little countdown venture, we are brought today to Number One. The big kahuna; Family! This could turn into the longest post in blogging history, but I will try to sum it all up relatively quickly & concisely. To say it simply, I have THE greatest family in the entire history of the universe. Each one of them has such great qualities & abilities & not only am I grateful for them collectively, I am grateful for each of them individually. I am so blessed that we are close & that my sisters & my mom are truly my best friends. The generosity my parents are constantly exhibiting is unparalleled, not to mention the stunning example of Christ-like people they are. My sisters always know when I need a call or a visit. My brothers always make me laugh. They all make me feel like an integral & necessary part of the family unit. I don't know many families that can ALL go on a week long vacation together, stay in the same house, have very few moments of tension, have the best time imaginable & go home ready to hang out again. But that's my family. I owe them a debt of gratitude & am eternally thankful for them every single day.

And now, I have my own incredible little family sprouting forth that is also amazing & such a phenomenal blessing. My husband is the hardest working, strongest, most positive, generous man I can think of. He is a worthy Priesthood holder, an amazing father & a great friend. I cannot thank him enough for all he does for our little family. I am also grateful for the family he brought with him when I married him. They are great people & show us an immense amount of love & support & I love them also. They raised a good man.

And then there's my son. Where to even start there?! I am grateful for everything about him, from his laughs & his growls to his smiles his kisses & his smells. The spirit he brings into our home & the desire he gives me to be not only the best mother I can be, but the best person. I cannot begin to explain the blessing that tiny little man is in my life.

So, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all my family. Immediate, extended, in-laws etc. You are what makes our world go round & I am eternally grateful for each part you all take in it.

November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 2.

Without a doubt, an immense amount of gratitude I feel is for the opportunity to experience & enjoy motherhood. Though not without it's challenges, motherhood is the most amazing thing I could ever have hoped to imagine in this life. My journey to motherhood began not when I found out I was pregnant with Mr P, but when I found out I was expecting little miss Gracie. I knew it was not my time then to embark on the journey of motherhood, but it was then that I learned for myself that becoming a mother would be my greatest aspiration, whenever it was that my time would come. It wasn't sitting on the front burner for the next 5 years, but it was definitely always lurking near the surface. And when the time was right Ty & I both knew it & lucky for us, Mr P came into the world a relatively short time later.

Inevitably, every time I think back to the day when Mr P joined us, I get choked up with love & gratitude. There are so many amazing facets to the entire prospect of motherhood. The way your baby comes into the world & to you, the way you know your baby's cry above all others, the instinct that kicks in which enables you to care for that tiny, helpless, completely dependent person. Your love for the smell of your baby's hair, & the ability to lose your sense of smell when it comes to poopy diapers & spit up. The fierce devotion you feel & the desire you have for nothing bad to ever, EVER happen to them. It's truly a force of nature.

I could go on for pages, but I'll sum it up with the fact that I am not only grateful for my experience of motherhood, but I'm also incredibly grateful for the experiences that led me to it. It's just bizarre how some trials in our life can encompass our greatest pain, our greatest faith, our greatest joy & our greatest learning. The starting point of my journey to motherhood, though definitely not conventional, was definitely something that I will forever be grateful for, because it really gave me a sense that motherhood is truly one of our most incredible blessings, never to be taken for granted. It comes easily (often much too easily) to many, but there are also many who would give anything for a shot at it, so I vow to never forget my great fortune.

November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 3.

Friends are the spice of life, or the flowers in the garden of life, or something cheesy like that. But in all seriousness, I am so grateful for my friends & owe them all a big 'tHaNKs!!' for everything they do. I have so many awesome friends, some that have lasted years & years, & some that have landed in my life more recently, but are no less dear. It's such a great feeling to know you have people you can rely on in any situation, whether it be a shoulder to cry on, someone to waste a day shopping with or someone to borrow a cup of sugar from. There's nothing better than coming home to find a unique little gift or a plate of cookies on your porch, & knowing that someone was thinking of you that day. My favorite thing about true friends is that you may not see each other for ages, but when you get together you just seem to pick up where you left off.

So, to all of my super great friends out there, ThANks!!!! Thanks for all the silly, sad & sincere memories. For the good times, the tears & the laughter we've shared. And for the road that remains ahead. I am really, really grateful for you & can only hope that I can be the kind of friend people might like to keep around.

November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 4.

Something I definitely need to express my gratitude for more frequently is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ & my testimony of it. I am in awe that I have a savior that loved me enough that He atoned for my sins & died so that I might live eternally some day. It's sometimes a crazy concept to grasp & there are many days that I wonder how someone could ever love me so much when I have made so many horrendous mistakes & continue to stumble every day. It never ceases to amaze me how well He knows me, because the right people & events seem to show up in my life at precisely the right times, consistently. Not the mention that I know I was sent to the exactly right family & the exactly right son was sent to me.

I am grateful for the blessing & power of prayer, the power of the Priesthood & the knowledge that my family & I can be sealed for eternity. I am grateful for the scriptures, repentance & a prophet on the earth today that has such an incredible wealth of knowledge & love for us. I'm grateful for the ward I'm in & for the love, friendship & camaraderie I feel there, & for the service I am involved in there.

It been a long, bumpy road to get to where I stand today, but today I am proud to say that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & that I truly do have a testimony. It is a constant work in progress & I pray for the ability to strengthen it daily, to be able to share it with others & for people to be able to see the light of Christ in me. I pray that my family & especially my son know that I truly do have a testimony & that I'm working to better myself & that I can instill in my son a love for the Savior & our Heavenly Father. So, let it be known that I am immensely grateful for the Gospel & for my testimony.

November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 5.

Today my focus of gratitude is on living in a free, wonderful & beautiful country. A place were I can make the decision to get an education, worship as I choose, vote, have a job, have kids, own a home or travel. Again, something I don't necessarily think about every day because it's something I've known my whole life, never had to fight for & generally take completely for granted. I've never had to be afraid walking to school that I wouldn't make it home safely or that anyone would try to take my life because I have the religious beliefs I do. I know that my son will grow up with the freedom to become an astronaut, go on a mission or learn to save lives as a neurosurgeon. Our only limitations are those we set for ourselves, & I hope I can instill that in Mr P & never be the one that stifles any dream he may have. I am grateful to everyone who made it all possible & also those who keep it possible. Liberty & justice for ALL.

November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 6.

Health & strength. I don't know if any of you have ever sat down & read any type of dictionary about diseases & ailments (well, I do know Dan O. has), but surely you all know there are a LOT of things that can go wrong with our fragile little bodies. So today I am thankful that I have health & that my husband & son have health & strength & that nothing is majorly wrong with our bodies (knock on wood). Sure, I have crohn's & there are days when I feel like the only relief would be to cut open my own abdomen & remove my terminal illeum, but I'm still able to function, be a mother, get around & live life. I have never been told that I have a limited amount of time to live or that I would need an organ replacement. My husband rarely gets more than a cold & is strong as an ox & healthy as a horse. My son was born virtually perfect, 10 fingers, 10 toes, all organs in place & functioning & happy as a clam. We have never spent major time in the hospital or had recurring visits with foreboding doctors. There is no way of telling what the future holds, so every day must be treated as a blessing & every day I hope to work to remember that my healthy body is an incredible blessing never to be taken for granted.

Yes, Squeaks.

I hate that I am sharing this, but decided after Amy's comment on the last post people might start to question & plus, it really is kind of funny. A bit wordy, but stick with me. OK, so we have a mouse living in our house. In the coat/ shoe closet to be exact. No, we don't enjoy it's presence & yes, I really hate that it's there. We're working on it. So here's the story. Last week I heard a mouse scurry across the wood floor in the night & got really freaked out. Not only do I hate the idea of a disease-infested little vermin sharing our domain, but it makes me feel dirty or something. My wise older brother assured me that every house in America has a mouse at one time or another, we just don't normally ever know they're there, so it's no big deal, & it's not a reflection of my housekeeping skills or anything else. It just happens. I guess that makes me feel better, but it doesn't change the fact that it's still in my house.

So I go to the Home Depot the next day & buy a slew of traps. The sticky kind & also some that are supposed to be humane & you never have to touch the mouse. My question is this: Are there really people that care about catching a mouse in a humane manner? If there are, kudos to you, but I am not among you. The truth is the orange devil was out of the regular old-fashioned snap-the-neck style traps. We must not be the only ones fighting the battle. Anyhow, we set the traps out for a couple nights & some during the day where Mr P couldn't get to them & had no luck. Said mouse did however have luck getting the PB out of a trap without getting caught. Bugger.

Then one night I was standing at the changing table getting Mr P ready for bed & it scurried across the floor & into my room. The MIDDLE of the floor, which dispels the rumor that they only travel along the walls. Hah. So then I was just mad. That filthy little rodent had been in my baby's room!! This meant war!! So I screamed for Ty who ran up & let Birdie, the faithful hound in. She caught the scent & went nuts. Unfortunately she also caught many other scents, since she is normally not an indoor dog & couldn't quite stay on it's trail. Soon enough our room was torn apart, the bed (king size, mind you) was tipped up, the dressers & cedar chest were all pulled away from the walls & everything was up off the floor, but that sneaky little devil hid where the mutt could not find her.

Well, there was no way I was going to be able to sleep in our room knowing that thing was in there, so I was perched atop the couch (where I was safe from sneaking vermin) thinking about what to do & Ty got on the computer to see what ideas he could find about catching this little, brown satan. Just moments later it comes creeping along the hall wall & into the living room, where the was a sticky trap hidden under the bookshelf. We watch it going towards it's inevitable fate, however once it reaches it's death trap, it sniffs & turns around. What the?! So as it's claiming victory, hiding under the end table, Ty lets the old hound in again, she goes crazy, again, we move the couch (I was now perched safely on the computer chair), and suddenly that brazen thing makes a mad dash (again across the middle of the floor) into the closet where a good 3/4 of my shoes are stored. So the dog's spastic, digging through the pile of shoes, whining & snorting, I'm making dang sure it doesn't make another mad dash & Ty's singing words of encouragement & praise to the 'hunting' dog that can't catch a stinkin' trapped mouse. Sigh.

Was the mouse caught, you ask? No. As we speak the mouse is trapped in the closet, traps lining the entire doorway & a rug stuffed in the crack under the door so there is no possibility of escape. When we, well Ty, checked on it this morning, he said "I guess we have us a pet mouse." Apparently it's eating the PB & not getting caught. What kind of brainiac mouse is this?! This means 2 things. A)Tyler better remember to bring home some inhumane traps of death today (please, no one alert PETA) & 2)I'll be wearing a limited variety of shoes until said mouse is out of his safe, warm little home because heaven knows I'm not going in after anything different until the coast is clear. I hope no one minds me wearing sneakers, flip flops or slippers to church tomorrow because if this isn't over by 9am those are my choices.

Please, friends, don't think any less of me. Someday this could be you.

November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 7.

Because I love Thanksgiving & because I feel like I don't express my gratitude often enough I have decided that this whole week leading up to Thanksgiving I am going to post an entry every day about something I am thankful for. My list could be weeks long, but I am limiting it to 7(ish) things that I most feel like sharing.
So, today, on day 7 (counting down to day 1 being Thanksgiving Day) I am thankful for my material goods. Hear me out here-- I'm not saying I'm so thankful that we're so rich & that I have so many nice, wonderful things & I love materialism. No, no, I'm thankful that I have a home, be it ever so humble, with all of it's squeaks & issues, it's mine & it keeps us warm, safe & comfortable & provides us innumerable securities. I'm grateful for a reliable car that allows me to get to the doctor or the grocery store or wherever my needs might take me. I'm grateful that I have clothing to wear, shoes to keep my feet warm & dry & coats to ward off the winter cold. This sounds trivial, I know, but sometimes I think of the people across the world who literally have one coat & one pair of shoes & one pair of pants that they mend & repair in order to make them last for years because there is nothing else. There is no money to go buy a new pair of jeans just because you 'hate the way every pair of yours fit.' Most of us truly can't even imagine.
I'm grateful that I have food to eat every day, at any given time. Many kinds to choose from. No, my problem will probably never be a lack of food. I live within minutes of several grocery stores stacked with mountains of varieties of foods right at our fingertips. Don't enjoy wringing that chicken's neck & plucking the feathers in preparation for dinner? Well that's OK because someone already did it for us.
I'm thankful for a camera that allows me to document my wonderful life, the people in it & the amazing experiences we enjoy. I'm grateful that I have a computer that helps me keep informed, in touch & entertained.
I am incredibly blessed in material things, & hope that I never forget how much I have. I know these things aren't what matters in the long run, especially as far as how big or expensive or fancy they are, but they definitely make my life sweeter & easier. It's easy to get caught up in how much we don't have, but it's so nice to take the time to think of how much we DO have. It really is overwhelming.

And Breathe...

I do have a reason for my blog having been somewhat lacking in recent weeks. My splendid sister-in-law Kate & I are trying our hands at peddling our wares in a craft fair (or bazaar, as I prefer to call it) next week, & this is what I've got ready so far.

It may not look like much, but that, ladies & gentlemen is over 50 shirts & a few bibs. I've been having fun doing it, but since there's a deadline involved I've been working my tail off & neglecting many other aspects of my life, such as cleaning my house. Sigh...

Anyhow, I've been having a lot of dreams lately, many of them involving said bazaar. They usually involve me packing up every last one of my shirts & briging them all back home after not a single one of them sells. Or along those lines. Mind you, Kate is usually quickly sold out of her goods & taking custom order after custom order while I sit sadly by, deciding who to gift the unwanted items to for the next several birthdays & Christmases. So let's hope these nightmares don't pan out. I don't know if I (or Tyler) could handle the aftermath of such dissapointment.

Thought I'd share a few of my very favorites.

And for the ladies:

November 18, 2008

Abounding Talents

OK. So the deal is that I have an incredibly talented family. I'm sure many of you already know that, which is good, since I have no pictures to prove it. Yes, I forgot my camera this weekend on many adventures & am sorely upset. Anyhow, the weekend started with Mr P getting a really bad ear infection which came on really fast & was really sad. Thankfully we got squeezed into the doctor & he got feeling better quickly enough to go to Logan Saturday for Miss Clara's 3rd Birthday party. It was a princess party & Kate's talents came through with flying colors. There were crowns for the kids to decorate, swords, wands, a gorgeous cake (talents of Lindsey) & many fancy decorations, including king & queen capes Kate made for her & Andy. It was so fun!
After said festivities we went to Brooke & Jason's stake talent show where Jason headed up an awesome rock band, Brooke did a Celtic dance & Bennett sang with the primary. It was great! Admittedly I spent a good deal of the night in the hall where a very tired Mr P ran amok & gave me a good workout. Good times.

November 12, 2008

Genealogy, I am Doing it.

My Grandma Clara Olsen. A prime example of class & timeless beauty.

My parents on their wedding day. What a gorgeous bride.
Why yes, that strapping, handsome young cowboy with the Cougar is my father.
OK, so the title is a lie. I am not doing my genealogy. I wish that I could say I was, but really my dad just wanted some copies out of some of my Grandma's scrapbooks last week when I was working at ye old QQP so I made a few copies for myself. It was so fun to look at pictures of my Grandma growing up & then my dad as a young lad. My Grandma has dozens of scrapbooks that are an amazing legacy to her kids, grandkids & great-grandkids. I hope to take some more time to look at them & then take them as encouragement to leave a better legacy of pictures, stories, letters, etc. for my own family. Just thought I'd share a couple of my favorites.

November 04, 2008

Workin' 9 to 5. Whew.

This week has been crazy so far. Yes, all 2 days of it. I've been filling in at my old stomping grounds, ye old Quality Quick Print, this week & let me tell you, I have a new-found appreciation for those mothers that do this working thing full time. It's been fun but also crazy getting myself & Mr P ready, fed, out the door, & to North Ogden by roughly 8:15. And I really miss that little bug by the end of the day! It makes me very grateful that I am able to stay home with him. I don't think he's been missing me that much since he's been spending his days at Grandma & Grandpa's & having the time of his life. At least he still seems to remember me when I pick him up. It's a great feeling to walk in & see that handsome little face with a smile spreading a mile wide & a laugh that could light up the world when he sees me. That doesn't necessarily mean he wants to come home with me; I think he'd often rather stay there, playing, avoiding nap time & eating tasty treats, but at least he seems happy to see me.

Also, I forewarned that it would happen, but I'm getting ready to go private again. Once this week is over & I'm a bit closer to being finished with a couple of other projects, so probably sometime next week. Please, please send me your emails via comment or email so that I can get you all added so we can continue to keep in touch. Thanks in advance.

Happy Halloween!

This year for Halloween Mr P was a ferocious lion. We spent the day visiting family & friends, showing off his accompanying growls & swishing tail. If you don't already know, he's quite a charmer, & earned many a piece of candy without ever having to say 'trick-or-treat'. Needless to say he was quite sugared up & crazy by the time we finished the trunk-or-treat & visiting & attempted to get some dinner. My apologies to all the folks seated around us. I think next year I'm going to plan a party of monumental proportions, so be looking forward to your invitations & be thinking about what you'll be, as lingerie does not count as any type of costume, so you'll have to get more creative than that.

Happy 80th.

Tyler's Grandpa Noker turned 80 this past week so I just wanted to tell him HaPPy BiRThDaY!! We enjoyed a little celebration & I thought I'd share a couple of the pics. You're a super guy & we love you so, so much! Enough that our first born would bear your name. We hope the next 80 years are as good as the first!