October 20, 2008

It's Over.

For another year, it's over. There are all kinds of possibilities for what this title might entail, but for anyone who's in primary, you know it's the season of the primary program, & yes, ours is over for another year. Don't get me wrong-- I l.o.V.e. the primary program & I don't mean to sound negative. It's just that being a Sunbeam teacher I sit on the stand with approximately 2,000 questions running through my mind whilst saying over & over 'sit on your bum,' 'ssshhh,' 'yep, we're almost done,' & the like, trying to keep a smile on my face & hear what all the kid speakers are saying. It's a chaotic 45 minutes to say the least. What questions are running through my mind, you might ask? Well here are just a few:
*Is my kid going to be this crazy when he's in primary?
*Is this kid's mom staring me down, thinking I'm being mean because I'm repeating the above phrases over & over to her child, & never going to talk to me again?
*Is Ty letting Mr P eat copious amounts of sugar to keep him quiet while I'm up here?
*Is that mom giving her kid that evil eye, or me?

And other such questions. The most rewarding being: Is hearing these kids sing 'I Love to See the Temple' with such conviction (yes, even my tiny little Sunbeams) going to make me cry every time? I think that's the only one I can answer & the answer, my friends, is yes. Every time.


DaBudges said...

Well, at least we know the answer to your question about the sugar, thanks to a little help from Kyle and Jack. At least OUR kids weren't extrememly naughty(unlike some in our crazy primary). Man I am so ready to be done! Until next year! :D

erin said...

sunbeam teaches have a special place reserved in heaven. our program is in t-minus 3 weeks... i'm already bracing myself for a boobfest -- cry everytime those little turds sing at the top of their lungs.

Brooke said...

Ha ha! This is an awesome post. So funny!

Rex and Mer said...

I feel for you Jaime. I'm sure it ended up being a wonderful program like always.