October 30, 2008

I Voted.

I should be embarrassed to admit that today was the first time in my life I have voted & I am 27. But I'm not embarrassed. I'm really proud of myself, because this year I didn't let all the junk get in the way like I have every other election year. I'm not one of those people that thinks that my vote is going to make the difference. Sorry if that makes you crazy. I think collectively all of our votes make the difference, but in years past I've been able to convince myself that there were things just as important to get done that day than get out & cast my measly little vote. I may not be the most educated on the issues, but I have really tried to look at all sides of the issues & gather unbiased facts on the issues, which is sometimes tough to do. Politics can really be a fib fest. My eyes & ears have been open this year collecting information that led me to my decision, be it perfect or not.

Mr P was the hit of the Ice Sheet as I was apparently the only one brave (or dumb) enough to take my kid with me. We made all kinds of friends as he gave away his shoes, growled, laughed & chatted with all the nice folks around us. The workers even buttered him up with Teddy Grahams, so our waiting in line 45 minutes, which was about 30 minutes into nap time went incredibly smoothly.

What an amazing world & time we live in when we can stand up & be counted in what ultimately guides our great nation. My heart breaks for the people all over the world who don't enjoy such simple freedoms as going to church wherever they choose or having as many kids as they choose, let alone electing the leaders of their countries. I am grateful that I am free. And that women & others can vote, without any fear for our safety. And that many people worked very, very hard to make that a truth. Dang, I've got a cushy life. And Dad, if you ever choose to actually read my blog, aren't you proud?!


Brooke said...

Way to go, Jaime! I'm so proud of you!

Kirk said...

Good work on voting yo...How's life been lately? You guys comin' up tomorrow night for some donuts??

Kristen said...

I totally voted too this week. I think we are brilliant for doing it early. I had Shelby too, but our wait was only about 10 minutes. I had a really go time in the booth. She got into the cabinet under the sink. Yeah, she as the hit of the party. Luckily I already knew who I wanted to vote for so it went pretty quick.

Anonymous said...

jaime, i AM proud of you :) if it makes you feel any better about waiting til you were 27...i used to just ask my parents who to vote for :P haha so it wasn't like i was really voting myself anyways! but it's kinda nice to think you are doing something worthwhile, you piece of the world :) and heck yeah girl! that's a good one to start with! (presidental i mean) glad mr. p made it :) i had kade....with his eye bandaged up...i'm quite sure everybody there thought i beat my child...i got some crazy looks and a few questions... :P haha anyways, fun to read your blog! (hope you don't mind!!)

DaBudges said...

Good job lady! This is the first year I am going to vote, too, but now I don't feel so bad because you are pretty much a lot older than me:D Thanks for taking care of my puppies