August 11, 2008

Weekend in Review

Just a recap on the past couple of fun days: Yesterday we went out to Grandpa Olsen's farm (now Aunt Maureen's home) for some reminiscing & reunioning. It was so good to see aunts, uncles & cousins we don't get to see often enough. There was plenty of food (as always), the kids had a good time exploring the farm a bit, & the adults enjoyed looking in the closets at Grandma's old clothes etc. & sharing memories of the house, Grandma & Grandpa, & childhood in general. It's so crazy the memories you keep from so many years ago. I still have a love for Plain City & the farm, even though there aren't too many things that have remained unchanged over the years. It makes me glad that I do still have so many memories of the way it was. I should write them down, eh?

Today Porter & I joined Grandma, Bennett & Owen at the Treehouse Museum for a day of fun, learning, arts & crafts & a few hours for Mr. P to run wild & wreak havoc somewhere other than home. Thanks, guys! We had a blast!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Holy handsome boys, Batman!
I'm so sad I wasn't there with you guys! Bless mom for taking the big boys that day so I could get some serious de-junking done! Many of their toys are now in the custody of D.I.

The pic of Porter on the tractor in front of the barn is priceless. And I've got to get the Treehouse ones from you.

Love ya!