August 29, 2008

Times, They are a Changin'

I hate to even begin on this topic, but I have something to say, so I'm going to say it. I cannot believe what a monumental year it is for politics here in the great US of A. I'm not getting into a debate here- I don't care if you're voting for old white guy, young dark guy or if you're still hoping to write in Thomas S. Monson. That's not my point here. Just thinking about this year's election brings to mind what an incredible time we live in. I bet my Grandpa Stick is wide-eyed & crazed about the fact that our primary contenders included a woman, a black man & a mormon. Who'd of thought?! (I'll have to remember to have that conversation with him.) That's all I'm sayin'.


Brooke said...

I'm not afraid to say it! (at least right here... I understand the delicacies of these matters...) But, GO OBAMA! Yes we can!!!

Did you watch/hear his speech last night? Wow.

And I would like to be in on the conversation with Grandpa. But just as a bystander. :) No need to stir the pot.

Kirk said...

You should be a regular contributor to my blog! Send me the material man! And since when am I not worthy enough to be one of your blog friends and have my name listed in your margin? huh?