August 27, 2008

Adios, Honda Shadow

My dear husband had to make a hard decision this summer to get rid of his motorcycle. Due to the nature of his job he has to drive his truck more often than not, & also due to the nature of his job, was unable to ride it during his free time (or lack thereof as the case seems to be). So, making a logical & financially mature decision he decided that rather than pay to register & insure it & then park it in the garage he should sell it to someone who would be able to enjoy it a little more than he was able. So, congratulations on your new bike, Andrew. It was in the agreement that we can come take it for a spin every once in a while, right? And it was also in the agreement that if (heaven forbid) anything should ever happen to you on that bike you will pay for my counseling as it is inevitable that I will feel a strong sense of guilt & responsibility. I know-- It's just the way I roll. Just as long as we're clear. No, really Olsens, enjoy the Shadow. We will miss it sorely. But man, brother, you look good on it.

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