July 16, 2008

Memory Lane

So my friend Sara had a fun idea to get some comments moving along on her blog & asked those interested to do the same on their own blogs & see what we come up with. Here's how it goes: You post a memory of me & in doing so I assume you're up to the challenge & I will in turn post a memory of you on your blog. Then, post these instructions on your blog for your respective readers & see how the flow goes. I'm excited, because since I currently have a total of about 3 blogging friends it's fun to have something that gets some commentary rolling. Do not fear though, I will not think any less of you if you choose not to get involved. I will consider you snobbish & a party pooper, but I will not think any less of you. Oh, & mi familia, no memories of the Hawaiian House. Thanks. (Be advised that I have a long & emotional but great post coming soon. Get yourselves ready. I'm still getting up the strength for it, & wanted to quickly post this before I attempt the journey. How long do you think waterproof mascara is supposed to hold up?)


Brooke said...

Okay, I'm in. Stay tuned.

Brooke said...

What you need to do, Jaime, is convince more of your friends to start blogging. Peer pressure still works, even for old people like me.

camas said...

Jaime - as I told Brooke, I could never sum up all our memories in a blog. And since I don't have my own (it would read like this: Monday-worked 14 hours. Tuesday-see Monday. Wednsday-see Monday. etc) I'm going to give up a few snippets on yours like I did on Brooke's.
-dancing on fire grates in Moab (really SO MANY Moab memories, holes in gas tanks, wind storms, Rod Stewart hair do's)
-leaf dress fashion shows
-Why don't the hurricanes damage Alaska?
-glamour shots
-"I need a Coke!"
-Laman and Lemuel
-your support when I lost my Tara
-good times in Del
-pixie hair cuts
-face masks

Again - getting teary. Must...be...strong. Not...manly...to...cry.....
Lots o love

camas said...

oh, and .... emergencies in tropical locations.

Brooke said...

Cami, your memories are THE BEST! I had honestly forgotten all those things. I'm half braindead, you know.