May 18, 2009

California '09.

It has been quite an eventful few weeks for our little family.  I was called to be the secratary in the Primary a few weeks ago, & missed the first 2 weeks of said calling because we were on vacation. Before we left for California I was able to go to Women's Conference which was a great time.  
We went to some awesome classes (plus a couple not so great ones), laughed our heads off, walked at least 20 miles & 4,000 stairs, ate snacks, laughed some more & then headed home to get my Mr P.  I missed him terribly.

In the meantime, Ty was working his tail off so that we could go on vacation the next day.  We got a late start, but got to St George Saturday night & then Oceanside Sunday afternoon.  The drive really wasn't too bad, especially since Mr P had a DVD player occupying a lot of his time.  He is NOT a fan of confinement these days, & we were a bit nervous about how all that time in the car would pan out.  Whew.

We had a few great days of Sea World, the Zoo, the Wild Animal Park, the beach & playing around in general.  It was so fun, just the 3 of us!  Mr P was so tuckered by the end of every day that he slept like a log every night, which was good because the trains went right past our window, honking every time without fail.  All night long.  He loved to watch them every time & yell 'choo choo!! Where it go??'

Mr P's favorite thing about Sea World was the pigeons.  His favorite thing about the zoo was the bugs.  His favorite thing about the Wild Animal Park was the train, and his favorite thing about the beach was the playground- It definitely wasn't the water.  He was cracking us up the entire trip, as well as gathering fan clubs at every place we stopped.  What a kid.

So all in all, great times.  Now, back in the saddle....


DaBudges said...

Glad you had so much fun, but also glad to have you back. Until your next crazy Byington adventure that is :D

brady and kenzie said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!! Mr. P is getting SO big!

Brooke said...

YAY for California!