February 19, 2009

Public Service Announcement.

Just warning you-- This little ninja may come in the night.....

With the intentions of stealing your child's binkies.
I can only recommend that you seriously heed my warning. A little while ago I decided I was going to get Mr P off the binkies, but the smart little bugger must've known my plan because since then he has been able to find & collect a vast amount of them. They must be multiplying in the night, because I cannot figure out where they all keep coming from. There are days when he's carrying around upwards of 5. Therefore, I spend a good part of my day following said little ninja around, collecting binkies & putting them where I know he can't get to them. I'm still having hard time getting him to go down without one (or a couple) so any helpful advice on the matter of binky weaning is welcome!


Sarah said...

How can you deny a cute face like that a binky? I'm worried about Elsa's finger-sucking habit. I haven't figured out how to take her fingers away yet...it's cute now, but probably not so much when she's 4!

DaBudges said...

so cute! Try putting him to sleep with a specific stuffed animal or blanket that he either already likes or that you let him pick out at the store and once he's hooked on that, it might be easier to toss the binks? That worked for Jax. Good luck!

emily ballard said...

Make him quit cold turkey. Get rid of ALL of them so you can't give in. Because otherwise you will.

Let him see you get rid of them, so he understands what is happening. Tell him over and over that his binkie is all gone. Two or three nights and naps of crying and he should be good to go, sans binkie.

P.S. If you are going to flush a binkie down the toilet, make sure you remove the binkie strap. They have a tendency to clog up the john.

Anonymous said...

that is HILARIOUS jaime :P haha i love mr. p's genius mind! i sadly can't offer any advice seeing that kade decided that his THUMB was better than a binkie, but i HAVE heard that cutting the tip of the binkie slowly off helps...just be glad it's a binkie and not a thumb...you can't cut a thumb off, well, not if you don't want child services after you :P good luck though! you got one smart little man! :)

Brooke said...

Sorry, but I didn't take Bennett's away til he was about 2. Then he was old enough to trade it in for that castle at King's. He gave it to the lady, who threw it in the garbage, and that was that. I think it's like potty training or anything else. You gotta wait til they are ready, and then just do it and don't look back or give in. So good luck with that. :) Love ya.

erin said...

i have no advice. but if your dashing ninja wants to broaden his collection of binkies, my son needs his to disappear, pronto.