March 25, 2011

Uncle Lee.

My younger brother has been able to come down from Logan quite a bit lately & we've had so much fun spending time with him. Mr P is completely smitten with him & it melts my heart. Watching them interact is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time-- I especially love that my 3 year old totally picks up on his 20-something uncle's humor. Most of the time. Other times I know it's going to come back to bite me....
Lee just graduated from USU & is now debating some options, most of which will probably take him a significant distance from home. While I'm happy for him & excited for the adventures he has yet to undertake, I will be sad to see him go. I want my kids to always know their crazy uncle Lee.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

That's awesome! Hooray for Uncle Lee! I am feeling all the same things about Lee leaving. :( We will miss him like crazy.