January 02, 2009


Christmas morning was so much fun, watching Mr P open his presents, & even though he doesn't really get the whole concept of it all yet, he sure does love ripping up shiny wrapping paper. He got this cute little camp chair from one of his friends (thanks, Jax!) & just though he was king of the world sitting up there so big. We kept it pretty simple this year, but you can tell by the last picture that it was still a bit overwhelming & tiring for his little body. It makes me excited for years ahead when he'll understand it more & it will be more interested.

The rest of Christmas Day was spent cautiously traveling through the snowdrifts & spending time with family. We enjoyed Grandpa Noker's annual brunch, which was delicious as always & then headed up to my parents for a cozy, leisurely day chatting, eating, reminiscing & playing games in front of the fire. I didn't do a great job of documenting the day, & you can tell that Mr P is obviously my central camera focus. Anyhow, it was another great Christmas & I'm always just astounded at how quickly it passes. I especially loved how we kept it so low-key this year & focused on the true spirit of the season & spending time with family. I hope as Mr P gets older we can stick to that & instill in him the value of giving & celebrating the birth of our savior. Happy Holidays.

1 comment:

DaBudges said...

way cute! I love the one with him in the hat! his face is precious! My camera is on it's way, so now you can give me some cute photo tips ;) Love that chair!