I have been putting this off for much too long & am now going to end up with a post the size of Texas.
Hmmm... Where to start.... We've had a great summer & hope to squeeze a little more juice from it's sweet fruit in the next couple of weeks. We headed to gorgeous little Cache Valley a couple of times to see Jack's last T-ball game (he's headed for the major leagues), play time at the park & much loved time with sisters & cousins.
We were lucky to have Ty's darling cousins from Texas here for a bit & were so happy they joined us on a few adventures such as the zoo, Willard Bay & Flaming Gorge. They need to move back here. Speaking of Flaming Gorge, I'm not sure what the deal is, but we have no luck with that place. Don't get me wrong- we had a great time, however torrential downpour in the middle of a rafting trip with many babes & small children in tow isn't exactly ideal. BUT we made the most of it, got everyone out alive & will no doubt try it again in the next year or two. (Just as a side note, last time we went to the Gorge we had the brilliant idea to take my parents' old van which broke down on the way home & rendered us helpless & stuck in Vernal for 3 days. Blech.)
We also took a quick camping trip to Lava, floated the river, swam & ate s'mores to our hearts content. There's been ample swimming in the backyard on the many days that soared into the high 90's. Mr P has a new-found passion for stripping down, turning on the sprinklers & going to town. We had a fun little family outing that took us to Layton to enjoy the sweet rock of Grand Funk Railroad. (Ummm Who?) Yes, we were probably the youngest there; yes, I did know a few of their songs & yes, Mr P was quite the crowd pleaser as he danced around & sang with the best of 'em. (You'll note in a couple of pics he's covering his ears. This is not due to his dislike of said band, but to sheer loathing of the shrieking & whistling of people seated by us. He glared at the super loud lady by me a couple of times, to which she took no notice. Haha.)
We spent a little time at the fair admiring the many blue ribbons my aunt won for various crocheted items & canned goods as well as some of the animals. (Giant bunnies, Kenzie!) We also enjoyed some good country fun watching the ATV rodeo Ty & his friend Rex participated in. Their events were the polo derby like the one they did on the 4th of July & also the gunny sack race where Ty drove his 4-wheeler, towing a piece of tarp, onto which Rex jumped & was then dragged around barrels & through a mud pit. Boy, doesn't that sound like a good time?! They didn't win, but it sure was entertaining. I bet it took Rex a good while in the shower getting the mud out of his ears, nostrils & elsewhere. Good times.
We rocked a really good time at the Monster Jam, cheering for the old classic Gravedigger & the new classic Ninja Turtle truck & trying not to concentrate on the smells of neighboring patrons or the lack of attire. My son's love for anything with motors & wheels is almost comical. We heard "Oh boy!!!" a lot that night. Man, I love to see that kid's face light up when he's excited. They don't come cuter than that.
My mom celebrated her 60th birthday amid family & friends, complete with the timeless sounds of Michael Jackson & some quite entertaining dancing. This woman has the spirit & heart of a 16 year old. The only thing old(er) about her is her wisdom. She's utterly amazing. I'm certain there aren't that many 60 year olds who can totally kick their 20-something daughter's tail at running or biking or any of the other crazy things she does. Not only that, but I can guarantee you there is not a kinder, more generous person to be found. I love her & wish her a splendid year ahead. She's the best.
So, if you're still with me after all that, I'll just sum by saying it's been a great summer. I don't know how it goes by so fast, but I'm also excited for fall. Mmmm, cozy sweaters..... Life's good.