January 13, 2010

Christmas Eve.

I don't know what kind of hat
this is, or for what size of child,
but MrP got it for Christmas &
I think the bangs set it off
quite nicely, eh??

Using dad's hair as reigns: always a pleasant idea.
Pretty sisters.
Let the happiness commence!

Christmas Eve was spent at the in-laws, as per tradition & was a splendid time. We made the announcement to Ty's family about our expanding family, however not quite as planned. Mr P wore his shirt for dang near an hour before it was even realized what it said. We ended pointing it out to Ty's mom who read it as 'I'm gonna be a big monster.' Sigh. Oh well-- it was still worth it to see Ty's dad get a little emotional. Nothing shakes that tough guy like a grand baby!


Tiffany said...

congrats! That is awesome!

DaBudges said...

Hey! Jax got that same book from our neighbors! Did Porter like the tiny bubble tumbler? Those things are the best, and the little ones are great for taking places in case of an emergency. Plus, Jax picked it out and everything! I'm glad your Christmas was wonderful!