March 16, 2009

Farm Fresh.

My ever-adventurous & busy husband has started another endeavor. The raising of cows. He hopes to get some buying, selling & breeding going on eventually, as well as a beef supply, however for now we just have 3 little guys who still eat from a bottle & nuzzle right up to humans in hopes that visitors come bearing food. P wasn't quite sure what to make of them, but wasn't scared, so it's a start. He'll be helping Ty muck stalls in no time. Or so Ty hopes, because it sure won't be me! The day these were taken I think these little guys were 6 days old. Awww, sweet. (Jackson joined us on our visit to the farm, however I was unable to get a pic of him with the Holsteins because he choose to stay outside, a safe distance from the smell of cowpies. His words.)


DaBudges said...

you got cows! How cute! You'll have to recruit Jax to help take care of them when he gets bigger so he doesn't grow up lazy like all the other kids in this nation :D

Mrs B said...

Consider Jax recruited!! We'll take all the help we can get!

Brooke said...

Ohhhhhhh! They are so cute! I can't believe you're gonna eat 'em. :)