November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Countdown Day 4.

Something I definitely need to express my gratitude for more frequently is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ & my testimony of it. I am in awe that I have a savior that loved me enough that He atoned for my sins & died so that I might live eternally some day. It's sometimes a crazy concept to grasp & there are many days that I wonder how someone could ever love me so much when I have made so many horrendous mistakes & continue to stumble every day. It never ceases to amaze me how well He knows me, because the right people & events seem to show up in my life at precisely the right times, consistently. Not the mention that I know I was sent to the exactly right family & the exactly right son was sent to me.

I am grateful for the blessing & power of prayer, the power of the Priesthood & the knowledge that my family & I can be sealed for eternity. I am grateful for the scriptures, repentance & a prophet on the earth today that has such an incredible wealth of knowledge & love for us. I'm grateful for the ward I'm in & for the love, friendship & camaraderie I feel there, & for the service I am involved in there.

It been a long, bumpy road to get to where I stand today, but today I am proud to say that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & that I truly do have a testimony. It is a constant work in progress & I pray for the ability to strengthen it daily, to be able to share it with others & for people to be able to see the light of Christ in me. I pray that my family & especially my son know that I truly do have a testimony & that I'm working to better myself & that I can instill in my son a love for the Savior & our Heavenly Father. So, let it be known that I am immensely grateful for the Gospel & for my testimony.

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